
On the Hill

Domain Name Scams and Phishing Scams: How To Spot Internet Scams

Est. reading time 5 minutes

In many ways the popular image of internet scams, that of the ‘generous’ Nigerian prince and the distant relative with the common name, can lull people into a false sense of security.  In reality, internet scams have developed and are a little more sophisticated and effective than you are...

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How To Get More Online Reviews - And Why You Should Care

Est. reading time 6 minutes

Online reviews are everywhere. No matter what industry you’re in, or what your marketing strategy is — online reviews are going to play a massive role in influencing your audience and driving sales. Think of your own recent purchases and hires: did they happen because of a personal...

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Health and Wellness Featured Businesses 2021

Est. reading time 15 minutes

Happy New Year! Are you one of the 70% of people who do yearly resolutions? It’s nearing the end of the first month of the year and we thought we’d help you with starting the year off to a healthy start, by spotlighting some of our clients who can help your health stay on track.

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12 Days of Christmas - Radar Hill Edition

Est. reading time 3 minutes

When you come to Radar Hill, you don’t just get a basic website and that’s it. We offer a more rounded approach to your online presence so that your business can flourish.  To summarize just a few things that we offer, we’re taking inspiration from that classic Christmas song the 12 Days of...

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Gifts, Hobbies, and Art - Christmas Featured Businesses

Est. reading time 16 minutes

It’s finally coming up to Christmas once again, and this year being able to buy and even send gifts online has never been more important. Whether you’re planning a stay at home celebration in your household or sending out gifts to family members for them to open over Zoom (it really is a...

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How to Have an Accessible Website

Est. reading time 3 minutes

Whether it’s visual impairment, hearing impairments, neurodivergence, or countless other things — the notion of a universal user experience can be a harmful myth, that prevents everyone from enjoying and using your website.  To have a fully accessible website there are numerous factors that...

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Toastmasters International - Supporting a Winning District

Est. reading time 4 minutes

And now District 21 is the only district in the world where 100% of the clubs in good standing have opted for online attendance. We are also number one in the world for new members, number one for Education awards, and number one for Club Growth. We are a Distinguished District and that’s all...

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Why Your Business Needs An E-Commerce Website

Est. reading time 4 minutes

E-commerce has been an exponentially growing industry in recent years, and as most businesses were forced to move online, that trend spiked.  Online shopping isn’t something that will go away. In fact, an e-commerce presence is going to be absolutely vital for all retail businesses going...

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What is SSL and Why is it Important for Being Safe Online?

Est. reading time 4 minutes

SSL has become an important aspect of daily Internet life, so we thought we would explain what exactly it is and why you need to know about it. Read on to know why SSL is one of the basic features needed for safeguarding your data online. 

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Adapting Businesses: Survival Stories

Est. reading time 1 minute

As the pandemic has unfolded we have had a front row seat to see our various local businesses adapt and change with the rapidly changing business environment. Many Radar Hill businesses were forced to change the way they do business and in some cases, change their customer base. Below are a few...

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