
On the Hill

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Could Be Effective For Your Business

Est. reading time 3 minutes

For many email marketing is an afterthought — something that they don’t consider to be as crucial as social media or other forms of content marketing. These businesses are missing out on a golden opportunity. Email marketing remains one of the most effective, and influential marketing methods —...

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6 Reasons To Do Google Ads

Est. reading time 4 minutes

Google Ads (Formerly known as AdWords), is the biggest pay-per-click advertising platform available, allowing businesses to create targeted online advertising to be shown when specific Google search terms...

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Health & Education - Featured Businesses

Est. reading time 10 minutes

Nothing is more important than making sure your body and mind are in the best shape they can be. This could mean staying healthy and active, taking a...

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Why You Need To Review And Update Your Privacy Policy

Est. reading time 3 minutes

If you’ve visited a website at any point in the past few months, you will probably have been prompted with a window asking whether or not you want to ‘accept cookies’ or something with similar wording.

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Understanding Google Analytics & Ads: Workshop

Est. reading time 3 minutes

How to drive more traffic and more leads to your website by leveraging statistics – learn about Google Analytics and Google Ads in this comprehensive 2for1 workshop! Google is a key part of digital marketing in 2019, and this workshop is going to focus on two services, Google Analytics &...

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BNI National Conference - May 2019, in Montreal

Est. reading time 2 minutes

Each year the BNI National conference is held in a different part of Canada, last year it was in Ontario, next year will be in Vancouver. This year’s event was held in Montreal, a city that has a special place in my heart.

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Introduction to Google Ads: Workshop

Est. reading time 1 minute

Do you want to rank #1 on Google?  What if you were told that the very idea of this is mostly a myth? Despite what some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) “experts” might tell you, the top of the first page on Google is a nebulous, shifting target. There is no magic formula that will guarantee a...

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Featured Businesses – Home Renovation

Est. reading time 18 minutes

Nothing is more central to your life than your home, it’s the hub of everything. Which is why taking care of it is so important. All of the businesses featured in our newsletter offer something unique, whether it’s maintenance or design, interior or exterior, you can find something in this...

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