
On the Hill

What happens when life gets in the way of business?

Est. reading time 2 minutes

Shawn went to Europe for more than a month, and nobody noticed!  How did he do this? In this blog post, Dan talks about our secret weapon for providing a dependable service while still living an enjoyable life. 

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Don't Let Your Domain Put Your Website in Limbo

Est. reading time 3 minutes

Recently there was an Internet domain registrar that went out of business and put untold thousands of websites into limbo. These websites were no longer visible and there was no contact with the registrar to fix it. A terrible and stressful situation for everyone involved. Two of our clients...

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Home Renovations: Featured Businesses 2023

Est. reading time 13 minutes

Renovating your home doesn't have to be a complex process. With the right planning and professionals, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience that can significantly enhance your living space. From painting to flooring to landscaping services, here are some of our clients that can help...

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Home Reno Featured Business

Upcoming Summer Workshop 2023

Est. reading time 2 minutes

Register for our free workshops hosted by Shawn. Learn how to utilize your Google Business Profile listing on April 18th or July 11th, and the importance of strategy in a marketing plan is June 20th. Find all events on Eventbrite.

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Market Your Business Based on Data

Est. reading time 5 minutes

One of the benefits of online marketing is the ability to understand the profile of your customers: exactly who is visiting your website and how they got there. You can see how many people have seen your website, how many impressions your Facebook page received, how many people saw your...

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What is ChatGPT? An AI-Written Blog

Est. reading time 5 minutes

You’ve probably been hearing about ChatGPT and AI writing tools a lot the last few weeks. But what is it exactly? For a brief overview of ChatGPT, other than this paragraph here is a blog that was written 100% by ChatGPT. We gave it the prompts (headers), but the text is completely written by...

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Be Strategic With Your Marketing: Online Workshop

Est. reading time 1 minute

Too often we see businesses that just throw money and resources at marketing and pray some of it will stick, only to see minimal results. They want to sell their services to all people. When we ask, “who's your ideal client?” and we get responses like, “anybody with a house” or “anybody who...

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Health and Wellness Newsletter: Featured Businesses 2023

Est. reading time 15 minutes

A common New Year’s resolution is to live healthier, whether that’s through a new exercise or diet regime or just trying to make different choices overall. But like a lot of resolutions, it’s not one that often sticks. This is why we’ve compiled a list of some of the great health related...

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New Year Resolutions

Christmas 2022 Featured Businesses

Est. reading time 14 minutes

It’s already that time of year once again! So with Christmas just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about what gifts you’re going to be getting your friends and family. Choosing the perfect gift can be a time consuming experience, which is why every year we compile our own gift...

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Christmas presents