
On the Hill

Email: Are you a Power User?

Est. reading time 1 minute

Email is a significant part of your business. Email has evolved from the free service of yester-year into a critical communication medium. Email used to be very simple, but today, email has become complex.

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Turn Your Website into an App

Est. reading time 1 minute

If you have a responsive website it's easy to use your website on a smart phone. This eliminates the need for app development for most websites. If you planned on developing an application that would have all the same functionalities as your website, there is no need as you can turn your website...

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Services for Business or Home

Est. reading time 16 minutes

Do you realize that small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) are the lifeblood of our economy? According to the Small Business Profile 2013: A Profile of Small Business in British Columbia (.pdf) there are about 385,900 small businesses in British Columbia, which account for 98% of all...

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Domain Suspension Notice Scams

Est. reading time 1 minute

Scammers are getting more creative and sneaky everyday. They are always trying to find ways to trick you into clicking links and for the most part spam is obvious, but sometimes they make their emails look like other legitimate businesses such as eBay or PayPal. When you have your own website,...

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Domain Renewal Scams: iDNS Canada

Est. reading time 1 minute

You may or may not have gotten a letter from a company called iDNS Canada (also known as Internet Domain Name Services). iDNS is a company that preys on people who don't fully understand the domain registration service by sending letters in the mail about their expiring domain and requests...

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Email Just Barely Works

Est. reading time 1 minute

Email is not reliable. The circuitous path that email traverses would make Indiana Jones choose a new line of business. A "good chance" is what email has of arriving at its final destination — here's why.

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Spring Renovations for Home or Business

Est. reading time 15 minutes

With World Plumbing Day this Wednesday, we are reminded that it is the perfect time to tackle those unfinished projects, or start a new project, in your home or your office. Whatever you plan to achieve this year (even if it is calling for an emergency plumbing job!) these great clients can...

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March Tips, Tricks & Shiny Stuff

Est. reading time 4 minutes

As we prepare for tomorrow's Google workshop, here is this month’s collection of useful tips, reviews, and links of interest.

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