
On the Hill

Spring Renovations for Home or Business

Est. reading time 15 minutes

With World Plumbing Day this Wednesday, we are reminded that it is the perfect time to tackle those unfinished projects, or start a new project, in your home or your office. Whatever you plan to achieve this year (even if it is calling for an emergency plumbing job!) these great clients can...

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March Tips, Tricks & Shiny Stuff

Est. reading time 4 minutes

As we prepare for tomorrow's Google workshop, here is this month’s collection of useful tips, reviews, and links of interest.

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Meeting with your Website Designer: How to Prepare

Est. reading time 1 minute

So, you've hired a website designer - yeah! Are you wondering what a meeting with your website designer will be like? We will ask you a lot of questions about your business and your vision for your new website. Be ready by preparing ahead of time. This will save you time and money (and score you...

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Web Design Trends to Watch For in 2015

Est. reading time 4 minutes

During 2014, the key trends that emerged in web design focused around minimizing pizzazz and cleaning up layouts to help maximize clarity and turn visitors into customers. After all, websites don't exist solely to look pretty; they serve a purpose – to capture the attention of prospective...

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Boss' Day: Our Staff

Est. reading time 2 minutes

At Radar Hill we only hire the best, and how we hire and treat our staff is reflected in how we treat our customers, our clients. October 16th was Boss's Day, and that was acknowledged here at Radar Hill as well, as the staff all signed a card, and added some nice thoughts, for the owners. It...

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Blood Donation Preparation Tips

Est. reading time 1 minute

Here at Radar Hill we've recently joined up with Canadian Blood Service's Partners For Life program. It's a pretty neat program where you pledge a minimum number of blood donations for your company to make each year. Employers, employees, friends and family members can all be part of your PFL...

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How To Take Care Of Text Message Spam

Est. reading time 1 minute

Lately it seems that more and more spam is being sent out — not just to email addresses, but to mobile phones as well. The last few days have seen a huge increase in reports of text message spam coming from the number 999-999-9999. If Telus is your mobile provider and you've been receiving...

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Accessibility for Deaf Users: Why it's worth it.

Est. reading time 2 minutes

I (Shannon) am a programmer here at Radar Hill and I have been hard of hearing since, as far as I know, age 5. I was blessed to be taught how to read and speak before my inability to hear made it too difficult, so written text has always been my workaround for communicating with a hearing...

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What Heartbleed Is & What To Do About It

Est. reading time 4 minutes

There's been a lot of news lately about the Heartbleed website security breach, which has been leaking large amounts of sensitive online information from websites around the world.  There are even comics about it. But what exactly is Heartbleed, and why is it so serious? What can you do to...

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Heartbleed logo: red, stylized heart outline that appears to be dripping

Real Estate Domain Phone Scams

Est. reading time 1 minute

Spammers and scammers have been trying extra hard lately to get your money. We've seen an increase in spam emails and phone scams around the world—probably due to spam not being as effective as it used to be, forcing scammers to send out even more in order to get the same return. We've seen a...

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