
On The Hill: Radar Hill Blog

Turn Your Website into an App

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If you have a responsive website it's easy to use your website on a smart phone. This eliminates the need for app development for most websites. If you planned on developing an application that would have all the same functionalities as your website, there is no need as you can turn your website into an app icon in just a few easy clicks.

If you have an iPhone here is our step-by-step guide to creating your own app icon:

First, open your website in your phone's web browser (this would be Safari, Chrome or another depending on what you like to use). From here select the share icon.

The iPhone share icon is shown here in the green circle.

Select the Add to Home Screen option.


Give your "app" a name and then click Add on the top right corner of your screen.


Tada! You've got yourself an app!


Not only can you do this on your iPhone but this works for other Apple products as well, such as your iPad and iPod touch.