
On The Hill: Radar Hill Blog

Make Sure Your Website Is the Centre of Your Marketing Strategy

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When it comes to your online presence, your website should be the focal point of your overall strategy. Not only is it the most common point of contact for most customers, but it’s also the one area where you exert a higher degree of control and influence, being able to tweak visuals, messaging, and content to project the right image and messaging. 

A website is also a stable point, independent of the volatility and fluctuating trends and algorithms you’re likely to find with social media—something that recent developments have only further emphasized. 

The goal of your online presence—no matter what platform you're on—should be to try and lead customers towards your website, as ultimately this isn’t just the core of your brand identity, but your primary driver of sales. Here are some of the most important things to keep in mind when ensuring that your website is the centerpiece of your marketing strategy. 

Have a Website That Works

No matter what your strategy is, for most potential clients or customers your website will make up a major component of the first impression they create of your business. No matter if they randomly found you or it’s coming as a recommendation, your website needs to not only look good and convey the right messaging, but also functions seamlessly and easily for users. 

If your website isn’t user-friendly and is difficult to navigate or understand, then no matter how good your product or service might be, you will lose potential customers before you ever have a chance to convince them. Here are some of the key facets your website needs to meet in order to provide a positive user experience 

  • Be mobile friendly
  • Have SSL
  • Be easy to navigate
  • Effective meta descriptions and title tags
  • Clear Call to Actions
  • Good content

In addition to these core principles, there are a few other additional elements you can incorporate to make sure your website makes the perfect first impression:

  • Easy-to-find contact information.
    You don't want to make your users have to go digging for your email address, phone number, or address. Make it stand out, so they can get what they need when they need it.

  • Social media icons.
    These need to be easy to find, and importantly need to lead to the right page. Sometimes if you change your user name on a profile it changes the URL, so make sure the links are active.

  • Subscriber information.
    Another area you want to avoid having your users working to find information is when signing up for your newsletter. Make this part easy and even enjoyable for them by offering a freebie. 

External Marketing

Social Media

For many people, social media occupies a noteworthy part of their daily online experience, which means that no matter who your target audience is, they can probably be found on social media platforms. It’s important to ensure that not only do you have a basic profile or page setup on various platforms, but that the logo, colour scheme, and overall branding are all consistent with your primary website. Having a disconnect in your branding can be confusing and off-putting to potential customers, as well as contributing to an unfriendly user experience. 

One main point of confusion for businesses when it comes to social media is the level of maintenance required to manage the profile. While daily or at least weekly posting is ideal, for many businesses this isn’t a realistic expectation. It’s important to remember that something is better than nothing, and simply having a profile is often all that customers expect, and can go a long way to establishing trust with your audience. 

Post even just once a month on your profiles so potential customers can see that you are still an active company. How much would you trust a business that hasn't posted since 2018? For content you can use existing content from your website. Even something as simple as sharing a link to individual services or products is helpful, and can maintain content for several months. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is already an undervalued and often overlooked part of a business’ online strategy, but as the digital footprint of most consumers becomes more diffuse and difficult to predict, it will only become more pivotal—after all, for most of us, checking our email is a matter of daily routine.

Much like your social media presence, it’s important that your email marketing efforts and website presence feel holistic and in sync, offering similarity of tone, content, and messaging. Additionally, your website should be used to funnel visitors towards your email marketing, and using capture forms, you can ensure that interested visitors can sign up for your mailing list—this allows you both to reach them with future products or services, and to gather a more complete data picture of who your customer base is. 

Offline Tactics

Particularly for businesses that operate locally, there remains value in advertising through more traditional channels, like local print ads in the newspaper or a direct mail campaign for neighbours. Even though these tactics are happening offline, generally the goal will still be to get customers to navigate to your website to make their purchase. When doing these offline marketing efforts, make sure that any content and branding line up with your existing website, to create a smooth process for your new clients. 

Your website is by far one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy. Not only does it act as your own personal sales team, but you're connecting with your customers while providing them with exactly what they need. Make sure you're doing it right. Whether online or offline, all marketing roads should lead back to that site. This gives you the power to better understand your audience, control your messaging, and drive conversions along each stage of the customer journey. 

But a great website can’t exist in a vacuum; it needs to be working in tandem with, and as a part of a diverse and targeted digital marketing strategy. At Radar Hill, we can help with exactly that, so if you want your website to be effective, and to make your digital presence count where it matters, get in touch with us today.