Do you have difficulty understanding the graphs and numbers on your Google Analytics reports? Do you not even look at them because you don’t know what it all actually means?
Then come to our Introduction to Google Analytics Workshop!
Why Should You Care About Analytics?
Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website’s traffic and traffic sources, and can measure online conversions and sales.
It is the most widely used website statistics service.
Why Should You Come?
Get more business out of your website traffic reports!
Learn the basics of Google Analytics from our Google-certified specialist Kendra Savich. Become familiar with your website’s reports and learn how to convert them into business-building information.
Your website hides a wealth of untapped potential, waiting for you to reach in and grab the secret to more sales. Use the power and insight of Google Analytics to learn about your website visitors:
- What they want
- Who they are
- How they behave
Thursday April 27th 9 am – 11 am.
Radar Hill – 5th Floor of 3301 Douglas Street, Victoria BC.
$49.95. As a Radar Hill client check your email for a discount code.
Become a client of Radar Hill within two months and get a $100 credit!
Please Click Here to register as seating is limited.
Questions? Contact Radar Hill for details.
Interested in having us delivering this information session in Duncan? Email us.