
On The Hill: Radar Hill Blog

Education and Clubs – Featured Businesses

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With summer ending soon and September approaching fast, you may be looking forward to getting back into a consistent routine, which you can thank ‘Back to School’ for. Back to School is not only for kids – below we will show you some of our Featured Businesses that may peak your interest, along with some clubs and societies that could be a fun part of your daily routine!


International Montessori Academy of Canada

The Montessori Method was developed in the 1900s by Maria Montessori. In Italy, Dr. Montessori’s orientation was that of a scientist, mathematician, and physician, rather than a traditional educator. She based her method on the premise that each child is born with a drive to develop themselves, and that a child learns best from their physical activity and senses, if given freedom to discover, explore, and create in an enriched environment with supportive encouragement. For further information about the school located in Duncan, see

Ross Bay Preschool

The objective of Ross Bay Preschool is to provide the very best in quality, licensed early childhood programming. They recognize the importance of addressing all children and their caregivers with fairness, compassion, and respect. Committed to operating a program in which children can actively learn and play in a safe and supportive environment, they create an environment which is holistic and stimulating, acknowledges diversity, is inclusive, and maintains the spirit, dignity, and individuality of every child. For more information visit



4-H stands for head, heart, hands and health, and is an organization dedicated to young people, whose purpose is to prepare to youth aged 6-19 years of age. for their future as adult citizens. The program provides young people with an opportunity to learn how to become productive, self-assured adults who can make their community and country a good place in which to live. This is fostered through project and program work, experiences with their 4-H club members and leaders and their participation in district, regional, and even provincial programs.

We are currently designing an awesome new website for 4-H. In the meantime, you can visit their site at

Cowichan Valley Wrestling Club

Wrestling as a body-to-body combat sport can be traced back 5000 years to the times of the Sumerians. For the ancient Greeks, wrestling was both a science and a divine art, considered the most important training for young men. The Cowichan Valley Wrestling Club is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote the sport of wrestling and develop friendships, leadership and self-esteem among athletes. They offer junior and senior wrestling classes for ages 9-18 in the Cowichan Valley. For further details go to

Cycle Therapy

Cycle Therapy isn’t just a friendly and accommodating place that helps to get you riding the right bike. They also have their own Cycling Club. This is an inclusive club that encourages group cycling activities, organizes and promotes cycling events, and participates in cycling advocacy activities. For more information visit


Avant Garde Fitness

Avant Garde Fitness is innovative and focuses on the principle of healthy lifestyle. They provide individualized programs and specialize in fitness for the 50+ population. Their small group classes train for strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility in a comfortable and relaxed environment. For a list of classes offered, visit

Wild Goose Qigong

Qigong is Chinese Health Exercise. These beautiful, gentle movements are designed to balance the energy in the internal organs, releasing old, ‘negative’ “Qi (energy) and gathering fresh healthy Qi to store in the body. Wild Goose Qigong offers classes where participants go through a series of movements which is all done together, seniors and beginner alike. Then everyone practices on their own, working on different movements. The curriculum entails several different series of exercises to develop a strong grounding in the principles of Qigong. For further details see


Carlson’s Dance

Carlson’s Dance Studio believes that everyone, no matter what age or ability, should have the opportunity to dance. From tiny dancers to advanced pre-professional students and adults, their professionally trained and talented teachers foster a passion for dance, while at the same time teaching an art that creates self-confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, discipline, and a sense of purpose – all skills that last a lifetime. To enroll today, visit

Westshore Dance Studio

The goal at Westshore Dance Studios is to provide training and development for all who have a desire to dance. As a professional dance school, they offer quality instruction to students of varying ages and ability in a friendly and respectful environment. They teach a variety of dance styles, and provide examinations in the Royal Academy of Dance for ballet, and the Association of International Dance Teachers for modern jazz and tap. Students have opportunities to perform in the annual recital and local festivals to demonstrate their dance knowledge, skill, and artistic expression. They want to inspire all dancers to musically, physically, and creatively always carry a love of dance with them. For further details see

Gina Sinclair Davis

Gina is a freelance dance choreographer, teacher, and adjudicator, sharing her passion and love of ballet and theatre. She has received many awards for her outstanding choreography, as well as awards and nominations in recognition of her long and successful association with the Royal Academy, and for her outstanding work within the Arts Community. If you are in need of her knowledge, experience, passion, talent, and expertise, visit


BC Colleges

Accessible. Affordable. Applied. BC Colleges is an association of 10 public post-secondary colleges in British Columbia serving 125,000+ students in over 60 communities across BC. The role of the organization is to work closely with businesses, government, and key stakeholders regarding partnership, investment and public policy, and to facilitate collaboration between the colleges so they can more effectively produce a well-educated and highly skilled workforce for British Columbia. BC’s colleges serve people and communities from all walks of life with a diverse range of programs – from adult education, through to career, technical, trade, university transfer, and applied baccalaureate programs. Their programs provide relevant opportunities and pathways to employment or further education. To find a college, visit


Sawyers Sewing Centre

Sawyers Sewing Centre is not just a locally-owned store selling a wide variety of sewing machines and supplies – they will also teach you how to use all the equipment and how to sew. After all sewing is fun when you get the results you want. Their classes are small and feature personalized instruction, where you will be encouraged to do your best while enjoying successful experiences. For the full list of classes offered, visit