
On the Hill

What is ChatGPT? An AI-Written Blog Category: Gadgets

Est. reading time 5 minutes

You’ve probably been hearing about ChatGPT and AI writing tools a lot the last few weeks. But what is it exactly? For a brief overview of ChatGPT, other than this paragraph here is a blog that was written 100% by ChatGPT. We gave it the prompts (headers), but the text is completely written by...

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How To Keep Your Data Safe Online Category: Gadgets

Est. reading time 3 minutes

Have you ever received a Facebook or Amazon ad targeting a seemingly unrelated thing you’d been searching for earlier? It’s an alarming experience, but it’s also a glimpse...

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Make Your Life Easier with Office 365 Email Category: Gadgets

Est. reading time 3 minutes

Email has changed drastically in the last few decades. It is no longer being used to send plain text onto a single device that is checked a couple times a day, and support was relatively simple, as there wasn’t much involved in the whole process. Today however, emails have gotten a lot flashier,...

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3D Aerial Video For Real Estate Category: Gadgets

Est. reading time 2 minutes

To use a cliché saying, “location, location, location.” With more and more activity and business happening online it is only expected that the home buying process is hugely digital. People want to know everything about a house before going to view it, and location is a vital aspect of choosing a...

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